In the event you provide us an incorrect delivery address, and a delivery attempt is made to the address you provided, the parcel is automatically returned to us after a period of time by the courier. Incorrect delivery addresses also include addresses not on Australia Post's National Address database. We dont have control over the National Address Database. This constitutes a delivery attempt on our behalf. We are not responsible for any and all address details you provide us with your transaction, this includes the automated address finder at checkout stage. Once the parcel returns back to our facility, we will notify via email of the event. The customer is then required to pay the applicable postage charge for their delivery location, plus a return to sender fee of $13 for us to re-deliver this returned package. This is the amount we are charged from the courier to return the delivery to us. In the event you want to cancel your order at this point, we will deduct the original shipping charge (if you received free shipping with your original order, the applicable shipping charge for your zone will be calculated and used plus the return to sender fee ($13) from your refund.
Shipping and delivery addresses used at cart and checkout using a digital wallet (Apple Pay & GPay) payment method are the responsbility of the customer. This information is stored on the local device used. Please check before proceeding.
Our returns policy has been developed to make shopping with us easy, fair and enjoyable. We are committed to customer satisfaction and very proud of our product quality. To ensure we continue to offer great products and customer service we reserve the right to make changes to our returns policy, shipping partners and terms and conditions from time to time and without notice.